Standardize or to impassion? Digital narratives for promotion and reader pleasure


  • Nibaldo Acero Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
  • Rodrigo Marilef Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano


This paper focus on a pedagogical experience in which a reading plan was drawn up together with students of first-grade and second-grade at a college of Alto Hospicio. It discovered that their literary interests distance themselves from the traditional canon by being linked mainly with the digital narrative. From there, we propose a critical look at the notion of standardization in education associated with discursive colonization, emphasizing the teaching of reading and literature, through the pleasure of reading and the role that the teacher needs to play in order to abandon a passive or active banking stance. To this end, it briefly delves into the origins of this vision of education, noting the incongruity between homogenization and socialization, as central purposes of modern school.


standardization, teacher role, discursive colonization, digital narratives, reading pleasure