To think geographically: an approach to the teaching of geography from the curriculum to the classroom


  • Francisca Armijo Baeza Docente de Historia y Geografía, Colegio Santa Marta


The following article aims to analyze the curricular orientations on teaching of Geography in the eighth grade and assess its impact on teaching-learning History, Geography and Social Sciences. For this purpose, the study assumed a qualitative research methodology based on the bibliographic review of the Curricular Bases of 2013 and the Eighth Grade´s Study Program for History, Geography and Social Sciences areas, prepared by the Ministry of Education of Chile. This study also used a bibliographic review about the teaching of geographical knowledge at school from the perspective of the critical Geography. That allows us to summarize the main results. Based on this research, the article concludes that despite the installed discourse on the Curricular Bases in 2013 about the relevance of geographic thinking, Geography has not been incorporated as a discipline that dialogue with History and Social Sciences. This practice does not allow the students to think geographically either. Until now, Geography follows the same path as in the twentieth century, like a peripheral science and as a holder of the nation-state ideal.


curricular bases; curricular orientation; geographic thinking; eighth grade; significant learning