New normatives of the juvenile sex behaviour in Chile?


  • Jaime Barrientos Delgado Universidad Católica del Norte


The article tries to discuss the transformations that are happening in the sexual and affective life of the Chilean young from a psycosocial point of view. The sexuality would be in a transition, from a model centered mainly in certain rules, to another one in which, without avoiding the rules where these have been deeply modified, becoming diversified, flexible or even more rigid. It is discussed that this change centered in the sexual initiation, using information diverse existing information in Chile on the topic.


sexuality, norms, changes

Author Biography

Jaime Barrientos Delgado, Universidad Católica del Norte

Universidad Católica del Norte, Escuela de Psicología, Antofagasta, Chile. Doctor en Psicología Social, Profesor Asociado. E-Mail: