The group approach of psychotherapy and clinical supervision: an instance of psycho-hygiene in university mental health teams


  • Antonio Letelier S. Servicio Médico y Dental de los Alumnos (SEMDA), Universidad de Chile
  • Natalia López G. Escuela de Psicología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Marcelo Balboa Centro de Atención Psicológica (CAPs) Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile


The current general conditions of mental health care for university students in Chile are described, highlighting the existence of several variables that have changed the composition of the university population, which translate into new needs of students and require different responses to the exclusive use of the individual psychotherapeutic device. The relevance of group psychotherapeutic devices and clinical supervision spaces as an effective means of psycho-hygiene in mental health teams of the University of Chile is highlighted and the implementation of articulated operating groups between SEMDA and CAPs of the University of Chile is described from the point of view of the experience of the clinical team. The discussions and conclusions aim to give relevance to the group device as a space of psychohygiene in the line of the promotion and prevention of mental health, both for the university population and for the professionals involved in the intervention described.


mental health, group psychotherapy


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