Burnout: a review of evidence-based interventions in mental health


  • Alvaro Tala T. Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Campus Norte, Universidad de ChileUniversidad de Chile
  • Viviana Guajardo T. Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Campus Norte, Universidad de Chile
  • Marcela Díaz P. Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Campus Norte, Universidad de Chile


Burnout is a syndrome of multifactorial origin that arises as a response to prolonged stress in the workplace, has 3 dimensions, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and the feeling of dissatisfaction. Its prevalence ranges between 4% and 30.5% in workers, and reaches 50% in workers in mental health. There are several strategies for the management of burnout, however it is not clear which would be the most effective. The objective of this article is to review the strategies for the management of burnout, for which a narrative review was carried out that included the term of burnout between 2012 and 2017 in PubMed search engines. Seven studies were found among narrative reviews, systematics and meta-analysis, in which individual and institutional strategies are described, one research also considers group strategies. It is described that for the adequate approach to burnout should be considered not only the responsibility of the individual, but also that of health organizations, both in their genesis and in their management. There are strategies to address this problem effectively. There is a lack of precision regarding the type of interventions, in what combination and in what times they would achieve greater effectiveness, given the multifactorial nature of their origin and the multidimensional nature of their problems. Future research and interventions are required to evaluate these strategies for the management of burnout in the different levels of intervention.


burnout, strategies, mental health


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