The cradle of the “New Peruvian”: Physical culture and eugenics in the social project of the Chiclín hacienda (1890 - 1926)



After the Peruvian defeat in the Nitrate War, there are various intellectual discourses that show a general urgency due to the absence of virile bodies for Peru, and this motivated a series of social reforms during the National Reconstruction process. This article illustrates the social project of the Chiclín hacienda, directed by Rafael Larco Herrera and oriented towards this objective of “reforming” and civilizing the Peruvian race. Motivated by the ideas of social Darwinism, Larco directed his ranch to be a “blank sheet” to refound a utopian society, and used sports as a tool to forge a “new Peruvian.” Through the analysis of Larco Herrera's speeches, works and projects in Chiclín, and the impact of the Pacific War on his youth, we can demonstrate the eugenic and paternalistic approach in his social work. Larco sought to promote the physical and moral health of workers, promoting physical culture and sports as means of discipline, civilization and progress for Peru.


Chiclín, Sports, Rafael Larco Herrera, Nitrate War, Eugenics

Author Biography

Mauricio Ávila Juárez, Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú

Historiador licenciado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú con la tesis “El nuevo peruano o los diablos rojos: deporte y eugenesia en la hacienda Chiclín. Una aproximación hacia la difusión del fútbol en el norte peruano (1917-1942)”. Actualmente es tesista para obtener el grado de magíster en historia en la misma casa de estudios. Ha colaborado como asistente de investigación en el Proyecto: "SEcTorES PoPULArES Y cLASES MEdiAS EN LiMA, 1920- 1968.". Sus temas suelen abordar aspectos de la vida cotidiana, la historia social e historia urbana, con especial énfasis en las diversiones y la cultura popular de Latinoamérica en el siglo XX, como el fútbol, la música contracultural o corridas de toros para el caso virreinal.