Impact of remote teaching on the academic skills of first basic cycle students in Calama and Antofagasta: a multidimensional analysis



The objective of this study is to show the progress of reading comprehension and scientific skills in students of the first basic cycle who participated in virtual classes during the health crisis. This analysis aims to demonstrate the impacts that remote teaching may have had on the acquisition of fundamental skills for adequate performance in Language, Mathematics and Science. The participants include first- and third-year basic students from three types of educational institutions in Calama and Antofagasta, along with their respective teachers. The results obtained indicate that reading comprehension and mathematical operations skills are the most affected in all groups, reflecting negative results in relation to the expected achievements. Regarding scientific skills, they show sufficient development, although the need for reinforcement is identified due to the lack of practical activities. No significant differences are observed between the different types of educational establishments, but there are variations depending on the geographical location. The speeches of the first and third grade teachers of the communes under study show that the challenges and development of the students occur in various dimensions, including academic skills, classroom behavior, autonomy and concentration.


online learning, mathematics, natural sciences, reading

Author Biography

Enmanuel Álvarez Durán, Universidad de Antofagasta

Enmanuel Álvarez Durán, Profesor de Biología y Ciencias Naturales (2012), Magister en Educación de la Universidad de Chile (2015). Profesional con 10 años de experiencia en el área y asignaturas de Ciencias de la Educación, Informática Educativa, Didáctica de las Ciencias y Enseñanza de la Biología y Ciencias Naturales y Gestión Educativa. Desarrollo de trabajos en Educación Superior a través de docencia de pregrado, ayudantías, proyectos de investigación, guía de tesis y actividades de divulgación de las ciencias en programa EXPLORA CONICYT. En cargos de gestión de Jefatura de Carrera, Asesor Curricular y de Perfeccionamiento Académico y Director Superior de Pregrado, Desarrollo Curricular de la Vicerrectoría Académica de la Universidad de Antofagasta.