Rock art, landscape and social tension: a case study from Córdoba, Argentina
Sebastián Pastor
CONICET. Área de Arqueología y Etnohistoria del Centro de Estudios Históricos “Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti”. M. C. del Corro 308 (5000), Córdoba
An analysis of rock art in northwestern hills of Córdoba (central region ofArgentina) is presented. The study takes into account the characteristicsof the iconographic repertory (motifs types, themes and design canons), as well as contextual variables like association with resources, rock selection, visibility and other activities related to the production and observation of images. With this information we then evaluate the social construction of ancient landscapes, territories and social ties. We then consider the affinities and differences between the stylistic modalities identified in several environments and their relation to social tension, inter-groups negotiations and territorial access conditions.
Córdoba Hills, Late Prehispanic Period, Rock Art, Landscape Construction, Social Tension
Pastor, S. (2012). Rock art, landscape and social tension: a case study from Córdoba, Argentina. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (26). Retrieved from