When archaeologists speak about protection, conservation and revaluation about the historical and cultural heritage we usually talk about those guidelines and regulations we are authorized to recommend as a select group. What happens to those ideas, concepts and meaning that the actors and academic or scientists communities have about their own historical, archaeological cultural heritage? To defi ne beforehand the characteristics and meaning of the cultural goods of the societies has always been the prevailing policy in our country, and to make a refl ection about this situation must be taken as a priority of the investigations. We considered it is very important to know those meanings that the agents or actors and communities create and recreate, as a real way of becoming part of the archaeological work we make. In this way, we will talk about some aspects of an archaeological investigation in course in San Juan, Argentina. We want to emphasize in the relationship that the social agents and some communities make about the indigenous past, their elaborations of the uses and meanings of the archaeological heritage.
Key words: Archaeological heritage, Social meanings, San Juan.