The ability to conceptualize the residential habitat is related to the different ways in which this can be questioned. This is why the physical-spatial approach, associated with the material and spatial constitution of housing or inhabitable spaces, has been the traditional method to explore this issue. Such a situation has resulted in residential habitat being related to the concept of dwelling as a delimited space associated with some form of ownership. This paper uses a self-ethnographic account to build a dialogue between the concept of residential habitat and the notion of experience, thus offering new possibilities for the conceptualization, questioning and visualization of habitat. Such an exercise introduces the idea of continuity and indivisibility about the experience of inhabiting a given place. Based on the personal experience of inhabiting a house, this contribution reviews a theoretical framework that allows for dialogue between the inhabiting concept and its relationship with both experience and residential habitat.
Author Biography
Luis Iturra Muñoz, Universidad de Chile
Arquitecto, Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Hábitat Residencial, Universidad de Chile. Docente Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile. Correo electrónico:
Iturra Muñoz, L. (2014). What are the boundaries of my house? A look into residential habitat from the perspective of experience. Revista INVI, 29(81), 221–248. Retrieved from