The differential capacity of neighborhoods and settlements to promote shared values among residents and exercise social control is a key factor that determines crime rates within communities. In this way, the strengthening of social fabric and organizational capacities may reduce delinquency. This paper shows the results of the first Encuesta de Seguridad Ciudadana Cuernavaca 2010. With a population of about 750,000 inhabitants, 520 surveys were conducted with a 2,8% error rate, a response distribution of 50% and a confidence level of 95%. This paper demonstrates the relationship between the sense of insecurity and the informal social control among residents. Five rates were created as part of this methodology: social control of space, vulnerability, collective efficacy, legality and sense of insecurity. These rates are geographically identified, thus allowing the relationship among sense of fear, social control and collective efficacy with the urban territory.
Author Biography
Alfonso Valenzuela Aguilera, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos
Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Universidad Nacional Autónomade México. Postdoctorate in Urban Revitalization, Institutd’urbanisme de Paris.
Valenzuela Aguilera, A. (2012). Collective efficacy as a social control strategy of space: evidence from Cuernavaca, Mexico. Revista INVI, 27(74), 187–215. Retrieved from