This paper presents the results of an evaluation done to the participatory action model started in Chile in 1997. This was a five year public programme to overcome poverty called “Chile Barrio” (enpowerment Process). The analysis was carried out from Sept. 1999 to June 2000 on 102 local communities, being this 19% of the communities empowered by the programme (106.162 families counted on the launching year for this programme). The results point out some limitations of the participatory action model. Some improvement strategies are suggested. The evaluation is focused on the model’s efficiency. This work was developed as thesis at the Scuola di Specializzazione in Planificazione Urbana e territotiale applicata ai paesi in via disviluppo (Instituto Universitario de Architettura di Venezia).
Author Biography
Paola Siclari
Arquitecta, especialista en planificación urbana, IUAV, Venecia.
Siclari, P. (2003). Participation in the Chile-Barrio Program: Current Assessment and Improvement Proposals. Revista INVI, 18(46).