This article makes reference to the United Nation international human rights and other multilateral and regional instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Habit Agenda I, Habit II, Istanbul + 5, Millennium Declaration and others as an attempt to contribute to the discussion, analysis and consideration of demanding the right for housing in Bolivia. It also shows a general view of the housing situation in Bolivia and the human right for housing systematically elude by the Bolivian State. Duties absence and avoidance that have caused a gap in this matter that needs to be resolved by the demand of the inalienable right to housing in a proper environment and conditions. This proposal clearly states the urgent need to amend the constitution to include the human right to adequate housing, as well as the need to create new housing solutions that consider the low income people's effort, using a holistic approach that involves an active participation that fosters well-being and human dignity.
Author Biography
Sonia Elizabeth Jiménez, Universidad Mayor de San Simón
Arquitecta, con Maestría en Gestión del patrimonio y desarrollo territorial. Docente e investigadora de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón y Coordinadora de Cursos del Programa de capacitación para el Mejoramiento Socio Habitacional - Promesha en Bolivia.
Jiménez, S. E. (2008). The Acknowledgement to Legalize the Human Right to Adequate Housing in Bolivia. Revista INVI, 23(62).