To live in the most urbanized and inequity region of the world, made me wonder how through designing, a significant qualitative change could be made in the urban housing public space, and although it will not solve the structural problems of poverty and inequity: it can help to balance and improve the people's living conditions. It refers to the analysis of public housing space from the landscape perspective, focusing on the study of the specific physical dimension as assessment variable in the relationship between people and space, so it allows to establish bonds that give meaning to the place they inhabit. This article was written from elements taken from the thesis "The Housing Public Space as Urban Landscape: An Overview of the social housing in periphery of Santiago in Chile" to get the master's degree on Landscape, Environment, and City given by the Alfa Program, Red Pehuén and financed by the EU, which sat in its version 2005-2006 in the Architecture and Urbanism School of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.
Author Biography
Sandra Caquimbo Salazar, Universidad de Chile
Arquitecta Colombiana, Mg. en Paisaje, Medio Ambiente y Ciudad. Especialista en Vivienda social. Académica del Instituto de la Vivienda, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile
Caquimbo Salazar, S. (2008). The Quality of Public Space in Urban Landscape Building. In Search of Equitable Habitat. Revista INVI, 23(62).