Sustainable Urban Design of Housing Groups


  • Alberto Papparelli Universidad Nacional de San Juan
  • Alejandra Kurbán Universidad Nacional de San Juan


The work describes two methods to be applied in the sustainable urban design of a group of multi-storey dwellings in common property, based on the recognition of the city as an environmental system. These methods combined between them, let the approach of the urban design in order to collaborate with the appropriation of the public and semi-public spaces, offering inclusive and non selective cities. Such methods: Patterns of Spatial-Functional Generation and System of Urban Range are used since a decade in the Architectural Workshops IV (A) and V (B) of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design (UNSJ - Argentina), period during which they were verified and adjusted in their theoretical concepts and in their practice. Although they are useful in the urban design of groups of multifamiliar dwellings, they can be used as tools in the design of groups of institutional and cultural buildings in urban environments of middle and high complexity.

Author Biographies

Alberto Papparelli, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Arquitecto argentino, Profesor Titular Efectivo Taller de Arquitectura IV-A. Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de San Juan.

Alejandra Kurbán, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Arquitecta, MGTR. Argentina, Profesora Titular Efectivo Taller de ArquitecturaV-B. Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de San Juan.