Micro-credits: strategies, instantiations and perspectives


  • Cristina Bosio Asociación de la Vivienda Económica
  • Damián García Asociación de la Vivienda Económica


The aim of this paper is to analyse micro credits as one of the important components which facilitate the process of accessing to social housing. Such process is articulated by financing and the proper technical support and it is also supported by the protagonists of the social processes which produce housing. These people do a quiet and permanent work and thus they manifest their decision to execute their right to housing and the city. The idea is to demonstrate the functioning of this tool through a concrete experience, a Micro-Credit Program built as a Revolving and self Sustained Fund. The program was design and implemented by AVE-CVE professionals in Cordova Argentina (Association for Economic Housing- Experimental centre for Economic Housing).More than 800 families have taken part in the program. Thus the system of self built houses has been supported for more than 10 years, this existing, effective and massive system is used to develop most housing in the third world. The program provides not only financial but also technical support for NBI families and progressive housing. The aim is to reinforce their essential characteristics and help the sectors that do not have access to this financial tool which helps them to accelerate the construction process.

Author Biographies

Cristina Bosio, Asociación de la Vivienda Económica

Lic. en Ciencias Políticas, Sociales y Diplomacia. Integrante del Equipo Técnico del Área de Evaluación del CEVE. Socia fundadora de la Asociación de la Vivienda Económica, y miembro de la Comisión de Inserción Política. Miembro del Directorio de AVE entre el año 1998 y el año 2006. Directora del Programa de Micro-crédito de esa institución, Abril 1996 - Julio 2007. Representante Alterna por América Latina ante el Consejo Directivo de la Coalición Internacional del Hábitat, año 2002 a 2006.

Damián García, Asociación de la Vivienda Económica

Arquitecto Argentino Miembro del equipo técnico del Programa de MicroCrédito de la Asociación de la Vivienda Económica (Córdoba Argentina), miembro del directorio de A.V.E.-C.E.V.E., profesor Adscripto de la cátedra de Problemática de la Vivienda Popular dictada en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.