Habitat and Participation. Analysis of the Proposals and Commitments Ratified by Chile


  • Ana María Rugiero Pérez Universidad de Chile


The concept of participation is analyzed as regards the actions and social groups involved in the documents developed by Chile and the countries of Latin America and Caribe, in preparation for the United Nations Conference about Human Settlements and Habitats II, as well as the Estambul Declaration signed at its end. Analysis criteria are stated and applied for the "extension" - social group -and the "degrees"- type of action. Conclusions aim at motivating "negotiation" and "association" between sectors, promoting the change from the participation via dialogue to a one with more responsibility. As regards the population involved, Chile promotes the participation of different groups and of all the society, Latin America and Caribe, the agents of the housing process and the society, whereas at international level the objective groups are favored form the perspective of gender.

Author Biography

Ana María Rugiero Pérez, Universidad de Chile

Académica del Instituto de la Vivienda. Investigadora y Docente en el área de Teoría y Crítica de la Arquitectura