This paper stresses a critical view to the process that has been taking place in the first hall of the 90s, in Argentina. Under the context of the State radical transformation and Structural Adjustment policies, the ongoing housing policies has been suffering changes which accentuates former contradictions. It is evident the replace of the unfinished "housing provision system" by a new uncompleted system without being stablished the whole agents roles. Meanwhile the people housing needs -and the urban crisis- are becoming worse by the own excluding economic model injustices, the lobby of powerful economic interests of the housing sector and the inadequate perception of the housing problems by the technicians and politicians.
Author Biography
Raúl Fernández Wagner, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
Arquitecto Argentino. Director de Maestria en Hábitat y Vivienda y Profesor Universitario en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Becario del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CONICET. Candidato al Ph.D. en el Architectural Association Schools of Architectural de Londres.
Fernández Wagner, R. (1995). Housing Policies in Argentina. Social and Urban Debt During the 1990s. Revista INVI, 10(26), 3–16.