Starting with a historical account of the formation and evolution of Montevideo city, the capital of Uruguay, this paper goes deeper into the depopulating and degrading processes which its central areas underwent in the last decades of the 20th century. It ends with an account of the actions and programs which were started in the 90´s in order to revert such processes. The analysis shows the weaknesses and potentialities of the central areas as well as of the rehabilitation proposals. In order to achieve sustainable local development such proposals should be part of the strategic planning and participatory projects. It is essential for the central areas to be “live centers” of the cities, to restore the traditional diversity of the social and functional network of its neighborhoods , to recover their lost residential character and to promote and strengthen citizen participation at the different levels of the process.
Author Biography
María del Huerto Delgado Dopazo, Universidad de la República
Docente e investigadora de la Unidad Permanente de Vivienda - Facultad de Arquitectura - Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Integrante de la Red XIV-F del Programa CYTED. Coordinadora del Grupo de Trabajo “Centros Vivos”, que centra su accionar en la producción social del hábitat de los centros históricos de las ciudades iberoamericanas
Delgado Dopazo, M. del H. (2004). Central Areas of Montevideo: The Pursuit of a Comprehensive Revitalization. Revista INVI, 19(51).