The diachronic development of ponerse a + INF as a supporting construction: dialect contrasts



In the following article, we analyze the historical drift of the inchoactive periphrasis ponerse a + INF, in Chilean Spanish. Our aim is to describe the diachronic trajectory of this construction, bringing dialect contrasts with its historical development in the peninsular Spanish and with other Spanish inchoactive periphrasis. At the conceptual level, we interact with the theory of grammaticalization and the construction grammar. In methodological terms, our study is based on a review of the historical linguistic corpus that allows constructing a quantitative and qualitative analysis. As result of the investigation, we argue that ponerse a + INF shows a development mainly divergent to that observed in the peninsular variety. Furthermore, we argue that this scheme has functioned as a supporting construction in the creation of new inchoactive mechanisms.


Locative Verbs, Inchoative Verbal Periphrasis, Grammaticalization, Constructionalization

Author Biographies

Claudio Garrido Sepúlveda, Universidad Católica del Maule

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Claudio Garrido Sepúlveda (, Avenida San Miguel 3605, Talca, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Lengua Castellana y Literatura.

Natalia Nahuelmán Esparza, Universidad Católica del Maule

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Natalia Nahuelmán Esparza (, Avenida San Miguel 3605, Talca, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Lengua Castellana y Literatura.