Non-adherence to the use of hearing aids in elder adults than 65 years old. GES program, Hospital Carlos van Buren, 2014


  • Corina Farfán Universidad Andrés Bello.
  • Emma Aguilera
  • Romina Lecaros
  • Karen Riquelme
  • Marilyn Valenzuela
  • Pamela Manque Phonak-Hospital Carlos van Buren


Introduction: Presbycusis is a well-known and prevalent pathology, which leads to social isolation. In 2007, bilateral hearing loss requiring a hearing aid for individuals aged 65 or more was included in Explicit Guarantees of Health program (Garantías Explícitas de Salud, GES). This program provides hearing aids to those presenting an average of pure tones (PTP) between 500 and 4000 Hz, equal to or greater than 40 dB or u 35 dB PTP, resulting in communication problems evaluated by the HHIES survey (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly Screening).

However, a percentage of recipients do not use their provided hearing aids.
Objective: This study seeks to identify factors that influence the abandonment of hearing aid use in individuals who do not attend their third hospital visit at the Hospital Carlos Van Buren (Valparaiso, Chile).

Subjects, material and methods: 32 subjects were evaluated during the first semester of 2014. We performed individual interviews, reviewed use and management of hearing aids and evaluated

Results: A significant limitation was the lack and poor quality of medical records. Among the contacted subjects, we found poor knowledge about their hearing aid, mainly handling the volume (50%) and program buttons (68.7%), resulting in poor adaptation and discomfort for users.

It was deemed ethical to recalibrate the hearing aids and schedule control visits
Conclusions: We recommend changes to the GES Guide to enhance adherence to the use of hearing aids and improve the program.


adherence to hearing aid use, hearing aid health program, older people, elderly.

Author Biographies

Corina Farfán, Universidad Andrés Bello.

Tecnólogo médico ORL. Magíster en Salud Pública. Académica Universidad Andrés Bello.

Emma Aguilera

Estudiante de Tecnología Médica.

Romina Lecaros

Estudiante de Tecnología Médica.

Karen Riquelme

Estudiante de Tecnología Médica.

Marilyn Valenzuela

Estudiante de Tecnología Médica.

Pamela Manque, Phonak-Hospital Carlos van Buren

Tecnólogo médico ORL. Phonak-Hospital Carlos van Buren