The Penelope's thread: weaving feminine imaginaries or the knitting as resistance in Tengo miedo torero by Pedro Lemebel


  • Carla Silva Universidad de Chile


The present work raises a critique from a gender perspective to the historical invisibilization suffered by female knitters. This analysis mainly addresses the ways of constructing the feminine subjectivity around an activity that has worked in the margins of any category of value and that has also been appropriated by abject and marginalized subjects: homosexuals who make a gesture of alliance with female. This would give account for new modes of representation and other discursivities that question and deconstruct the official language by making the weave a language that resists social imperatives, an issue that will be observed in the novel Tengo miedo torero (2002) by the Chilean writer Pedro Lemebel


knitting, language, Lemebel, latin american literature