Convocatoria: "Revisitando las periferias latinoamericanas. Trayectorias, derivas y debates actuales"
Cierre de la recepción de artículos: 31 de marzo 2025
La Pobreza Energética es un concepto multifacético con connotaciones locales y efectos adversos. La mayoría de las revisiones se han enfocado en las definiciones y los enfoques metodológicos, dado el interés creciente por conceptualizar y medir. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar la evolución y origen de indicadores de PE en los países de Iberoamérica por su cercanía en las características climáticas, culturales y socioeconómicas. Se hizo una revisión utilizando el marco analítico SALSA (Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, Analysis). Se encontraron 61 artículos, 150 evaluaciones y 49 indicadores que fueron catalogados según su evolución, etapa inicial (n = 7), expansión (n = 12) y multidimensional (n = 30). Los resultados muestran un crecimiento de estudios en los últimos cinco años, destacando España y Chile como los países de Iberoamérica que han desarrollado más investigación e indicadores de PE. La mayoría de las mediciones, que se han empleado de forma continua y en múltiples ocasiones, provienen del Reino Unido. Es posible inferir que los investigadores prefieren indicadores sencillos desarrollados en otras realidades por la falta de información o la dificultad para conseguirla.
Alba-Rodríguez, M. D., Rubio-Bellido, C., Tristancho-Carvajal, M., Castaño-Rosa, R., y Marrero, M. (2021). Present and future energy poverty, a holistic approach: A case study in Seville, Spain. Sustainability, 13(14).
Alfaro, S. L. (2020). Método satisfacción de necesidades absolutas de energía para un acercamiento al concepto de pobreza energética. Avances en Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente-AVERMA, 21, 33-42.
Álvarez Escobar, B. y Boso Gaspar, Á. (2018). Representaciones sociales de la contaminación del aire y las estufas de leña en diferentes niveles socioeconómicos de la ciudad de Temuco, Chile. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, 34(3), 527-540.
Antepara, I., Papada, L., Gouveia, J. P., Katsoulakos, N., y Kaliampakos, D. (2020). Improving energy poverty measurement in southern European regions through equivalization of modeled energy costs. Sustainability, 12(14).
Aristondo, O. y Onaindia, E. (2018). Inequality of energy poverty between groups in Spain. Energy, 153, 431-442.
Aristondo, O. y Onaindia, E. (2023). Decomposing energy poverty in three components. Energy, 263.
Bagnoli, L., y Bertoméu-Sánchez, S. (2022). How effective has the electricity social rate been in reducing energy poverty in Spain? Energy Economics, 106, 105792.
Banerjee, R., Mishra, V., y Maruta, A. A. (2021). Energy poverty, health and education outcomes: Evidence from the developing world. Energy Economics, 101.
Barrella, R., Linares, J. I., Romero, J. C., Arenas, E., y Centeno, E. (2021). Does cash money solve energy poverty? Assessing the impact of household heating allowances in Spain. Energy Research & Social Science, 80, 102216.
Barrella, R., Romero, J. C., Linares, J. I., Arenas, E., Asín, M., y Centeno, E. (2022). The dark side of energy poverty: Who is underconsuming in Spain and why? Energy Research & Social Science, 86.
Bayona-Velásquez, E., Pirela-Ríos, A., Alvarez, J. R. N., y Marín-Giraldo, E. (2022). Measurement of energy poverty in the Colombian caribbean region: Comparative analysis.
Bezerra, P., Cruz, T., Mazzone, A., Lucena, A. F. P., De Cian, E., y Schaeffer, R. (2022). The multidimensionality of energy poverty in Brazil: A historical analysis. Energy Policy, 171, 113268.
Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Berti, K., Delgado-Gutierrez, E., y Marín-García, D. (2022). Evaluating the possibility of applying the Poverty-Adaptive Degree Hourly Index (PADHI) in Andalusia. En C. Rubio-Bellido y J. Solis-Guzman (Eds.), Energy poverty alleviation: new approaches and contexts (pp. 239-254). Springer.
Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Sánchez-García, D., y Rubio-Bellido, C. (2021). Adaptive setpoint temperatures to reduce the risk of energy poverty? A local case study in Seville. Energy and Buildings, 231, 110571.
Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Sánchez-García, D., Rubio-Bellido, C., y Marín-García, D. (2021). Potential of applying adaptive strategies in buildings to reduce the severity of fuel poverty according to the climate zone and climate change: The case of Andalusia. Sustainable Cities and Society, 73, 103088.
Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Sánchez-García, D., Rubio-Bellido, C., y Pulido-Arcas, J. A. (2021). Applying the mixed-mode with an adaptive approach to reduce the energy poverty in social dwellings: The case of Spain. Energy, 237, 121636.
Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Sanz Fernández, A., Sánchez-Guevara Sánchez, C., y Rubio-Bellido, C. (2022). Assessment of energy poverty in Andalusian municipalities. Application of a combined indicator to detect priorities. Energy Reports, 8, 5100-5116.
Boardman, B. (2013). Fixing fuel poverty: Challenges and solutions. Routledge.
Bouzarovski, S. y Petrova, S. (2015). A global perspective on domestic energy deprivation: Overcoming the energy poverty–fuel poverty binary. Energy Research & Social Science, 10, 31-40.
Brunner, K.-M., Spitzer, M., y Christanell, A. (2012). Experiencing fuel poverty. Coping strategies of low-income households in Vienna/Austria. Energy Policy, 49, 53-59.
Calvo, R., Álamos, N., Billi, M., Urquiza, A., y Contreras Lisperguer, R. (2021). Desarrollo de indicadores de pobreza energética en América Latina y el Caribe. CEPAL.
Castaño-Rosa, R. y Okushima, S. (2021). Prevalence of energy poverty in Japan: A comprehensive analysis of energy poverty vulnerabilities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 111006.
Castaño-Rosa, R., Solís-Guzmán, J., y Marrero, M. (2020). A novel index of vulnerable homes: Findings from application in Spain. Indoor and Built Environment, 29(3), 311-330.
Castaño-Rosa, R., Solís-Guzmán, J., y Marrero-Meléndez, M. (2020). Midiendo la pobreza energética. Una revisión de indicadores. Hábitat Sustentable, 08-21.
Cedano, K. G., Robles-Bonilla, T., Santillán, O. S., y Martínez, M. (2021). Assessing energy poverty in urban regions of Mexico: The role of thermal comfort and bioclimatic context. Sustainability, 13(19), 10646.
CEPAL. (2022). La energía en América Latina y el Caribe: acceso, renovabilidad y eficiencia. Autor.
Clavijo-Núñez, S., Herrera-Limones, R., Rey-Pérez, J., y Torres-García, M. (2022). Energy poverty in Andalusia. An analysis through decentralised indicators. Energy Policy, 167, 113083.
Costa-Campi, M. T., Jové-Llopis, E., y Trujillo-Baute, E. (2019). Energy poverty in Spain: An income approach analysis. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 14(7-9), 327-340.
Cuerdo-Vilches, T., Navas-Martín, M. Á., y Oteiza, I. (2021). Behavior patterns, energy consumption and comfort during COVID-19 lockdown related to home features, socioeconomic factors and energy poverty in Madrid. Sustainability, 13(11).
Desvallées, L. (2022). Low-carbon retrofits in social housing: Energy efficiency, multidimensional energy poverty, and domestic comfort strategies in southern Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 85, 102413.
Encinas, F., Truffello, R., Aguirre-Nuñez, C., Puig, I., Vergara-Perucich, F., Freed, C., y Rodríguez, B. (2022). Mapping energy poverty: How much impact do socioeconomic, urban and climatic variables have at a territorial scale? Land, 11(9), 1449.
García Alvarez, G. y Tol, R. S. J. (2021). The impact of the Bono Social de Electricidad on energy poverty in Spain. Energy Economics, 103, 105554.
García-Ochoa, R. y Graizbord, B. (2016). Caracterización espacial de la pobreza energética en México. Un análisis a escala subnacional. Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, 16(51), 289-337.
García Ochoa, R. y Graizbord Ed, B. (2016). Privation of energy services in Mexican households: An alternative measure of energy poverty. Energy Research & Social Science, 18, 36-49.
Gómez-Navarro, T., Calero-Pastor, M., Pellicer-Sifres, V., Lillo-Rodrigo, P., Alfonso-Solar, D., y Pérez-Navarro, Á. (2021). Fuel poverty map of Valencia (Spain): Results of a direct survey to citizens and recommendations for policy making. Energy Policy, 151, 112162.
Gouveia, J. P., Palma, P., Bessa, S., Mahoney, K., y Sequeira, M. (2022). Energy poverty national indicators: Insights for a more effective measuring. Energy Poverty Advisory Hub.
Gouveia, J. P., Palma, P., y Simoes, S. G. (2019). Energy poverty vulnerability index: A multidimensional tool to identify hotspots for local action. Energy Reports, 5, 187-201.
Grant, M. J. y Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: An analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 26(2), 91-108.
Hernández, M. F., Aguado, L. F., y Duque, H. (2018). Índice de pobreza energética multidimensional por regiones para Colombia, ipem_rc 2013. Economía Coyuntural, 3(3), 35-72.
Horta, A., Gouveia, J. P., Schmidt, L., Sousa, J. C., Palma, P., y Simões, S. (2019). Energy poverty in Portugal: Combining vulnerability mapping with household interviews. Energy and Buildings, 203, 109423.
Huybrechs, F., Meyer, S., y Vranken, J. (2011). La précarité énergétique en Belgique-Rapport final. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universiteit Antwerpen.
Isherwood, B. C. y Hancock, R. M. (1979). Household expenditure on fuel: Distributional aspects. Economic Advisers Office, DHSS.
Jessel, S., Sawyer, S., y Hernández, D. (2019). Energy, poverty, and health in climate change: A comprehensive review of an emerging literature. Frontiers in Public Health, 7.
Kyprianou, I., Serghides, D. K., Varo, A., Gouveia, J. P., Kopeva, D., y Murauskaite, L. (2019). Energy poverty policies and measures in 5 EU countries: A comparative study. Energy and Buildings, 196, 46-60.
Kyprianou, I., Varo, A., Puig, S. M. I., y Serghides, D. (2022). Energy poverty and policy implications in two mediterranean countries. En A. Sayigh (Ed.), Sustainable energy development and innovation: Selected papers from the World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) 2020 (pp. 523-531). Springer.
Liddell, C. y Guiney, C. (2015). Living in a cold and damp home: Frameworks for understanding impacts on mental well-being. Public Health, 129(3), 191-199.
Martín-Consuegra, F., Gómez Giménez, J. M., Alonso, C., Córdoba Hernández, R., Hernández Aja, A., y Oteiza, I. (2020). Multidimensional index of fuel poverty in deprived neighbourhoods. Case study of Madrid. Energy and Buildings, 224, 110205.
Martín-Consuegra, F., Hernández-Aja, A., Oteiza, I., Alonso, C., Martín-Consuegra, F., Hernández-Aja, A., Oteiza, I., y Alonso, C. (2019). Distribución de la pobreza energética en la ciudad de Madrid (España). EURE, 45(135), 133-152.
Middlemiss, L. y Gillard, R. (2015). Fuel poverty from the bottom-up: Characterising household energy vulnerability through the lived experience of the fuel poor. Energy Research & Social Science, 6, 146-154.
Murias, P., Valcárcel-Aguiar, B., y Regueiro-Ferreira, R. M. (2020). A territorial estimate for household energy vulnerability: An application for Spain. Sustainability, 12(15), 5904.
Naciones Unidas. (2015). Objetivo 7: Garantizar el acceso a una energía asequible, segura, sostenible y moderna. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
Oliveira Panão, M. J. N. (2021). Lessons learnt from using energy poverty expenditure-based indicators in a mild winter climate. Energy and Buildings, 242, 110936.
Pereira, G., González, A., y Ríos, R. (2021). Capturing multidimensional energy poverty in South America: A comparative study of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3.
Pereira, M. G., Freitas, M. A. V., y Silva, N. F. d. (2011). The challenge of energy poverty: Brazilian case study. Energy Policy, 39(1), 167-175.
Pérez-Fargallo, A., Bienvenido-Huertas, D., Rubio-Bellido, C., y Trebilcock, M. (2020). Energy poverty risk mapping methodology considering the user’s thermal adaptability: The case of Chile. Energy for Sustainable Development, 58, 63-77.
Pérez-Fargallo, A., Leyton-Vergara, M., Wegertseder, P., y Castaño-Rosa, R. (2022). Energy poverty evaluation using a three-dimensional and territorial indicator: A case study in Chile. Buildings, 12(8).
Pérez-Fargallo, A. y Marín-Restrepo, L. (2023). What Are the Barriers to Environmental Comfort in the Global South? En Removing barriers to environmental comfort in the global South (pp. 1-13). Springer.
Pérez-Fargallo, A., Marín-Restrepo, L., Contreras-Espinoza, S., y Bienvenido-Huertas, D. (2023). Do we need complex and multidimensional indicators to assess energy poverty? The case of the Chilean indicator. Energy and Buildings, 295, 113314.
Pérez-Fargallo, A., Rubio-Bellido, C., Pulido-Arcas, J. A., y Guevara-García, F. J. (2018). Fuel poverty potential risk index in the context of climate change in Chile. Energy Policy, 113.
Pérez-Fargallo, A., Rubio-Bellido, C., Pulido-Arcas, J. A., y Trebilcock, M. (2017). Development policy in social housing allocation: Fuel poverty potential risk index. Indoor and Built Environment, 26(7).
Pino-Mejías, R., Pérez-Fargallo, A., Rubio-Bellido, C., y Pulido-Arcas, J. A. (2018). Artificial neural networks and linear regression prediction models for social housing allocation: Fuel Poverty Potential Risk Index. Energy, 164, 627-641.
Porras-Salazar, J. A., Contreras-Espinoza, S., Cartes, I., Piggot-Navarrete, J., y Pérez-Fargallo, A. (2020). Energy poverty analyzed considering the adaptive comfort of people living in social housing in the central-south of Chile. Energy and Buildings, 223.
Primc, K., Dominko, M., y Slabe-Erker, R. (2021). 30 years of energy and fuel poverty research: A retrospective analysis and future trends. Journal of Cleaner Production, 301, 127003.
Quishpe Sinailin, P., Taltavull de la Paz, P., y Juárez Tárraga, F. (2019). Energy poverty in Ecuador. Sustainability, 11(22).
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Recalde, M., Peralta, A., Oliveras, L., Tirado-Herrero, S., Borrell, C., Palència, L., Gotsens, M., Artazcoz, L., y Marí-Dell’Olmo, M. (2019). Structural energy poverty vulnerability and excess winter mortality in the European Union: Exploring the association between structural determinants and health. Energy Policy, 133, 110869.
Reyes, R., Schueftan, A., Ruiz, C., y González, A. D. (2019). Controlling air pollution in a context of high energy poverty levels in southern Chile: Clean air but colder houses? Energy Policy, 124, 301-311.
Robles-Bonilla, T. y Cedano, K. G. (2021). Addressing thermal comfort in regional energy poverty assessment with Nussbaumer’s MEPI. Sustainability, 13(1), 352.
Samarakoon, S. (2019). A justice and wellbeing centered framework for analysing energy poverty in the Global South. Ecological Economics, 165, 106385.
Sanchez-Guevara, C., Núñez Peiró, M., Taylor, J., Mavrogianni, A., y Neila González, J. (2019). Assessing population vulnerability towards summer energy poverty: Case studies of Madrid and London. Energy and Buildings, 190, 132-143.
Sánchez-Guevara Sánchez, C., Neila González, F. J., y Hernández Aja, A. (2018). Energy poverty methodology based on minimal thermal habitability conditions for low income housing in Spain. Energy and Buildings, 169, 127-140.
Sánchez-Guevara Sánchez, C., Sanz Fernández, A., Núñez Peiró, M., y Gómez Muñoz, G. (2020). Energy poverty in Madrid: Data exploitation at the city and district level. Energy Policy, 144, 111653.
Sánchez-Torija, J. G. y Nieto, M. A. F. (2022). Energy consumption of buildings and urban energy poverty assessment: Case study of a Madrid neighbourhood. Energy Efficiency, 15(7), 53.
Santillán, O. S., Cedano, K. G., y Martínez, M. (2020). Analysis of energy poverty in 7 Latin American countries using Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index. Energies, 13(7).
Sanz Fernández, A., Sánchez-Guevara Sánchez, C., Núñez Peiró, M., y Gayoso Heredia, M. (2022). From the regional assessment to the local identification of energy poverty. En C. Rubio-Bellido y J. Solis-Guzman (Eds.), Energy poverty alleviation: New approaches and contexts (pp. 153-169). Springer.
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Soriano-Hernández, P., Mejía-Montero, A., y van der Horst, D. (2022). Characterisation of energy poverty in Mexico using energy justice and econophysics. Energy for Sustainable Development, 71, 200-211.
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Thomson, H., Bouzarovski, S., y Snell, C. (2017). Rethinking the measurement of energy poverty in Europe: A critical analysis of indicators and data. Indoor and Built Environment, 26(7), 879-901.
Thomson, H., Day, R., Ricalde, K., Brand-Correa, L. I., Cedano, K., Martinez, M., Santillán, O., Delgado Triana, Y., Luis Cordova, J. G., Milian Gómez, J. F., Garcia Torres, D., Mercado, C., Castelao Caruana, M. E., y Pereira, M. G. (2022). Understanding, recognizing, and sharing energy poverty knowledge and gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean – because conocer es resolver. Energy Research & Social Science, 87, 102475.
Thomson, H. y Snell, C. (2013). Quantifying the prevalence of fuel poverty across the European Union. Energy Policy, 52, 563-572.
Tirado-Herrero, S. (2017). Energy poverty indicators: A critical review of methods. Indoor and Built Environment, 26(7), 1018-1031.
Tirado-Herrero, S. (2022). Measuring energy poverty at the urban scale: A Barcelona case study. En C. Rubio-Bellido y Solis-Guzman, J. (Eds.), Energy poverty alleviation: New approaches and contexts (pp. 267-284). Springer.
Tirado Herrero, S. y Meneses, L. J. (2016). Energy poverty, crisis and austerity in Spain. People, Place and Policy, 10(1), 42-56.
Uche-Soria, M. y Rodríguez-Monroy, C. (2020). Energy planning and its relationship to energy poverty in decision making. A first approach for the Canary Islands. Energy Policy, 140, 111423.
Urquiza, A., Amigo, C., Billi, M., Calvo, R., Labraña, J., Oyarzún, T., y Valencia, F. (2019). Quality as a hidden dimension of energy poverty in middle-development countries. Literature review and case study from Chile. Energy and Buildings, 204, 109463.
Vidal Diaz, Y. V., Guevara-Garcia, F. J., Leon-Muñoz, M., y Guzman Carrizosa, I. (2022). Towards the Comprehensive Bonus for Social Housing Services. En C. Rubio-Bellido y J. Solis-Guzman (Eds.), Energy poverty alleviation: New approaches and contexts (pp. 91-151). Springer.
Villalobos, C., Chávez, C., y Uribe, A. (2021). Energy poverty measures and the identification of the energy poor: A comparison between the utilitarian and capability-based approaches in Chile. Energy Policy, 152, 112146.